Best Commercial Remodeling Services and Cost in Lincoln, NE
Handyman Services of Lincoln
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE: Are you Searching for Best Commercial Remodeling Services near Lincoln, NE? Handyman Services of Lincoln ,We will evaluate your needs, discuss your goals, and work together to design and remodeling the best layout and features for your new restaurant or commercial office space. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Commercial Remodeling Service around Lincoln, NE. We serve Lincoln, NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Commercial Renovation Projects Done With Ease
Upgrade Your Business In Lincoln, NE For Better Results
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
As your business grows, it is important to ensure that you have the right office or storefront to accommodate your ongoing ventures. Often, expansion or a renovation is a great way to support your company. The quality of your business location will set the tone regarding your brand. When customers walk through the door after your Lincoln, NE commercial renovation, they will see that you are working hard to provide top-notch services in the industry.
At Handyman Services of Lincoln, we offer experienced design services and the best workmanship that you can find in Lincoln, NE. We are focused on quality, and let nothing stand in the way of the luxury finishes that are installed.
Customizing Your Commercial Renovation Project
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
Our experience allows us to begin each renovation project with due diligence and detailed planning. We will evaluate your needs, discuss your goals, and work together to design the best layout and features for your new restaurant or office space. Whether you are building out another location or your current space needs to be operational for ongoing business services, we can work around your needs.
We always break the project down into phases, allowing us to manage the plans and rebuild with close attention to detail. We are happy to brainstorm with you to identify potential opportunities to fit the renovations around your business needs.
One-Stop Commercial Remodeling Services
You already are carrying enough responsibility to keep up with daily business efforts. Instead of overseeing the construction by yourself, consider the advantages of hiring a commercial contractor to do the heavy lifting. We provide full-service renovations and can handle any commercial renovation.
Our services include interior and exterior renovations as needed, as well as office expansion and full remodeling build-outs. We have experience with many types of commercial renovations, including bars, restaurants, storefronts, office space, medical practices, and more.
Helping You Build a Better Business
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
Handyman Services of Lincoln provides a variety of commercial construction and renovation services in the Lincoln, NE area. Some of our specialties include:
- Scaffold Work
- New Construction
- Renovation
- Violation Removals
- Demolitions
We also provide top quality office remodeling, restaurant renovations, retail space updates, and more. Whatever type of commercial facility you have, if you want to update it, you can rely on the Lincoln, NE commercial remodeling experts at Handyman Services of Lincoln to get the job done correctly, with the highest quality results.
Why Hire Handyman Services of Lincoln for Your Commercial Service Needs in Lincoln, NE?
- We have years of experience completing commercial construction projects in the Lincoln, NE area.
- We are a licensed and insured general contractor.
- We offer a wide range of services and can manage your project from start to finish.
- We are flexible and available 24/7.
- We offer clear communication and keep you informed about project progress.
- We consider all the details, even the smaller ones, to ensure all issues are addressed first thing. This eliminates the potential for delays in project completion and costly errors.
Commercial Remodeling Step-by-Step
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
Every commercial remodel is different, but in general, a typical commercial construction project will proceed like this:
- Planning
- Bidding
- Contractor selection and contract signing
- Prep and purchase of materials
- Demolition
- Construction
- Clean up and finishing
Once you’ve signed a contract with a reputable professional, your contractor should be able to walk you through the stages of construction. The contract itself should explain a lot about how the construction project will proceed. In addition, your contractor may have a publication or guide that will help you understand the remodeling process.
office Remodeling Experts in Lincoln, NE
The crew of Lincoln, NE general contractors at Handyman Services of Lincoln are office remodeling experts. Our team of office remodeling specialists can help you improve your business image – and potentially your profits, customer base, and overall business operations!
How can remodeling your office do all this? Well, as you are more than likely well aware, image is everything in the business world. If your office is outdated, unattractive, and doesn’t accommodate a generally good flow of traffic, it can be a major turn off to potential clients in the Lincoln, NE area. Not to mention, workplaces that offer poor lighting, dingy restrooms, and a general lack of good atmosphere have been shown to lower employee productivity and moral.
If your office isn’t up to par, you could do yourself and your business a world of good by investing in a professional remodeling job. At Handyman Services of Lincoln we can help you improve your business with our wide range of Lincoln, NE office remodeling services. Our general contractors can help you with all your renovation needs, and offer expert advice on how to improve function, flow and aesthetics for improved business operations. Sometimes changing a few things around, knocking down a few walls, and updating flooring and paint color schemes can do wonders not just for improved flow and function, but branding and presentation of products as well.
You don’t have to invest in a complete renovation and sacrifice weeks of business operations to construction down time just to improve the look of your Lincoln, NE company. Oftentimes all you really need to update the office are a few keep improvements, such as a new coat of paint. Let our Lincoln, NE office remodeling specialists help you determine what your workplace needs as we listen to what you want to get out of our services.
Our steam cleaning professionals are experts in skilled techniques of steam washing. Handyman Services of Lincoln will help you with the restoration process of steam cleaning to its original shine decreasing dirt, stains, mold, and residue on all surfaces.
When it comes to commercial renovations, you need to go with a company that you can trust. Handyman Services of Lincoln has decades of experience with renovations and remodeling that your business needs to successfully make the most of its space and be as productive as possible.
We have experience in doing full remodels, from completely gutting a space and building it to your custom design preferences, or doing small upgrades that help keep your space in great shape for longer. All of our commercial renovations begin with a free consultation where we sit down with you and discuss exactly what you want out of your renovation. We can design a space completely from scratch, supplement your ideas with some of our own, or we can turn your dream space into a reality.
Our Process
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
At Handyman Services of Lincoln, we’re a full service renovation company and our goal is to provide you with every service you need to complete your renovation so that you don’t have to worry about a thing. Above all else, our process is designed to allow you to step back, relax and enjoy your new space the moment it’s complete. We’ll fulfill every unique need that might arise in your project – from hiring the right contractors and subcontractors, using the proper tools and equipment and making sure the end result is exactly what you had in mind when we started the project. We’ll make sure that your clients are impressed when they step inside your newly renovated commercial space, whether it’s a dentist office, a restaurant or a new office building.
What We’ll Do
Aside from the actual construction itself, we’ll take care of every other element involved in the renovation process that you can think of.
- On-site inspections
- Providing a detailed budget
- Architectural design services
- Interior décor consulting
- Contracting of equipment suppliers
- Building permit submissions
- Project management
- Commercial Renovations
Every commercial renovation is unique but these are some of our most commonly requested renovations.
- Office remodels and conversions
- Retail and commercial space renovations
- Restaurant renovations
- Tenant improvements
- Preventative maintenance
Schedule a Consultation for Your Business
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
Are you ready to learn more about the commercial renovation services that are available here in Lincoln, NE? Contact a reliable contractor in the area. We will schedule a complimentary consultation so that you can learn about the options. By setting up an appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss your goals and design the perfect space to match the needs of your business.
For more information about the services that we provide, check out our seven-step process that ensures quality results for every project. We are working hard to provide the best services in Lincoln, NE and the surrounding areas. Recreate your commercial space to benefit your business needs.
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE: Whether you’re new to the commercial renovation scene or are a seasoned veteran, some things just aren’t worth leaving up to chance. These six tips are essential to keep in mind if you want your next project to get off the ground decisively and soar to an agreeable conclusion for all parties involved.
1 Keep the Mission Top-of-Mind at All Times
Every commercial renovation project commences with some kind of overarching mission in mind. So what is it? Let this be your guiding light as you embark on the planning phase as well as every other step in the process. For instance:
- Are aesthetic enhancements the main purpose of your renovations?
- Is the owner’s mission to incorporate new technologies without changing the underlying infrastructure too much?
- Do the early plans call for major structural changes that could benefit from, or even require, a specific kind of specialist, such as an environmental engineer?
This is less of a specific directive and more of a general reminder not to get too far afield of the original vision. Clear communication is key to getting a project finished efficiently. If any miscommunications are occurring during the project, the time to address them and work them out is early in the project not later on.
2.Evaluate the Site Thoroughly
Successfully completing commercial renovations by definition involves working with a space that’s already being used, already serves a purpose and already occupies physical space in natural surroundings. Sites like these might have specific needs, unique hazards that aren’t immediately obvious and a variety of other variables you might need to plan for in advance. There may even be times when you don’t have access to original architectural or other documents, in which case a full professional survey might be required.
The point considering the physical surroundings is so you can plan for eventualities based on the condition of existing structures, the quality and grade of the surrounding soil, and the presence of nearby embankments that might require special scaffolding or safety equipment. Knowing what you’re in for can help eliminate surprises and cost overruns.
3.Build Some Contingency Padding Into Your Budget
Contractors and clients alike: This one’s for you. Everybody knows the relationship between client and designer can be fraught and difficult if all parties aren’t operating with the same level of transparency and openness. The appearance of wiggle room in a budget is one point where all the financial decision-makers need to be on the same page.
Commercial renovation projects are famous for cost overruns but you’ve likely staked your reputation, in part, on providing accurate estimates. So what can you do? One suggestion is to work a 10 percent margin for error into each phase of design and construction. Think of it as a buffer zone against the cost, both financial and labor-related, of rework including paying your workers overtime. With any luck, the project will be a smooth one. However, you’ll sleep better knowing all the parties involved understand contingencies can happen and they’ve been planned for.
4.Use the Right Equipment Every Time
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
There’s a right time to MacGyver a solution to some stubborn problem, but it’ll never be on the site of a commercial renovation. For anything worth doing, there’s a right and a wrong way to do it and that includes tools.
Part of this tip involves not overextending yourself. If you’ve taken a meeting about a bid you know you’re not equipped for it, you have a choice to make: Do I lease or buy the required tools, or do I pass in favor of jobs I’m better equipped to carry out?
Maybe you have world-class experience working with concrete for walkways, basements and garage flooring. However, if you try to reduce costs by applying epoxy finishes with 50% solid resin instead of 100%, your finish height will differ from the initial application to finish. Using the right tools and materials can provide your customer with the quality finished look they expect with minimal downtime.
5.Be Aware of Safety Rules and Don’t Take Them Lightly
It can be tempting for construction site managers, contractors and construction workers to overlook simple safety precautions in the course of doing their work if doing so alleviates some inconvenience. We don’t have to remind you that accidents can happen during even the briefest slip-ups. That means not letting anything slide when it comes to safety.
If you’re performing mold or asbestos abatement, you shouldn’t be seeing team members cutting holes in their protective masks so they can work with lit cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. The first time you let somebody ascend onto a roof without a spotter makes it that much easier to let things slide the next time around.
Make special note, too, of the conditions in which employers must pay for and provide personal protective equipment to workers, including gloves, vests and hats, to ensure their safety. This is an unnecessary place to cut corners and risk fines or worse.
6.Don’t Phone-in the Final Inspections
The last mile of any great endeavor can often be the most exacting, the most frustrating and the most likely to result in corners being cut in order to get the job done. There are many reasons to take the final few steps seriously, not the least of which is to ensure your good name lives on in the job you’re leaving behind.
The other reasons, however, are all in the name of safety. Forsaking final inspections because the builder is ready for the next job or because the client is eager to get business back on track can be costly to your reputation. It can also harm your business, your client and even the lives that hang in the balance and which will ultimately rely on this structure for work, life or both.
With these reminders that planning, communication and safety are as vital here as anyplace else, you and your team should be well-prepared for your next renovation job.
Commercial Construction Cost per Square Foot
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
Commercial construction can be a lucrative business, but it’s not for the faint of heart. Companies working in the commercial industry need to have plenty of cash in reserve or easy access to a healthy credit line. Between commercial construction being so cash-hungry and notoriously slow payments, contractors need to have a laser focus on their construction cost per square foot.
Types of commercial construction
Commercial construction includes a wide range of building types. Essentially, commercial construction boils down to almost any project that isn’t purely residential in nature. Common examples of commercial projects could include office buildings, malls, schools and universities, sports stadiums, hotels, entertainment venues, and parking structures.
Even apartment buildings, full of residential spaces, are considered commercial projects. Most states consider residential projects as single or multi-family structures under three or four units. States generally consider structures outside of that scope as commercial construction projects.
Factors that affect commercial construction costs
Many factors come into play when pricing out a commercial project. You have to understand the difference in locations, materials, and labor can have a huge impact on the cost per square foot. The types of buildings and finishes included will also undoubtedly reflect in the total building cost.
- Location
Some areas of the country are just generally more expensive to build in. For instance, a highly desirable area in a crowded city will be more expensive to build in than a less populated area. A project in Handyman Services of Lincoln can cost more than twice as much as the same project in a small midwestern town. While some of this is due to the cost of labor, much of it just has to do with the climate and precedents set by other buildings erected in the area.
- Building type
The type of building you’re constructing definitely impacts the cost per square foot. For example, a basic single-story warehouse will cost much less per square foot than a high-rise office building. The high-rise will have much higher engineering and planning costs, site prep, permits and inspections, and logistical costs, all of which contribute to the cost per square foot.
It will also have different structural needs, which we’ll get to next.
- Materials
The materials specified by the designer have a lot to do with a building’s cost to build. A steel-structured building that requires extensive fabrication won’t be cheap to build. Also, custom-built windows and doors can quickly drive up the price per square foot.
- Finishes
If you haven’t considered the cost of the finishes, you’re missing a huge piece of the puzzle. The perfect example is the consistent $200-plus per square foot jump in price between three-star and five-star hotels. High-end finishes will drive the cost per square foot up tremendously over builder-basic or mid-grade options.
- Labor
One of the most significant factors in the cost of building per square foot is labor. In areas where unions are popular, the price per square footage will be significantly higher than it would be in non-union regions.
In areas experiencing booms, workers will expect to be paid quite well or they’ll jump ship to the next contractor that will pay their price.
Commercial cost per square foot
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
On average, the cost to build a single-story commercial office building on the high end is $361 per square foot. On the low end, the average cost is $301 per square foot. For a mid-rise building, the numbers jump to $719 and $599, respectively. High rise buildings jump a bit more, with a high average of $827 and a low average of $688 per square foot.
A standard neighborhood strip mall’s cost per square foot averages at $371 per square foot on the high end and $309 on the low end. A regional mall’s top-end average is $554 per square foot and $461 for a bottom average.
For a three-star hotel, your high and low average costs per square foot are $604 and $489, respectively. Bump that up to a five-star hotel, and you’re looking at $871 per square foot on the high side and $677 on the lower end.
When it comes to elementary, middle, and high school construction, the average cost per square foot on the high end is $381, while the low end comes in at $317.
Commercial office space
Commercial Remodeling Services Near Lincoln, NE:
If you’re building a single-story office space in the US, your average cost per square foot will be around $313. Constructing a mid-rise office building will cost an average of $562 per square foot. High-rise buildings cost an average of $660 per square foot to build.
- Hospitality
As you can imagine, the finishes in hotels can vary throughout the nation, driving a significant range of cost per square foot. However, building a three-star hotel in the US costs an average of $478 per square foot. A five-star hotel costs an average of $691 per square foot to build.
- Warehouses and manufacturing facilities
Prices per square foot to build warehouses and manufacturing facilities often vary based on what the facility will be storing or making.
However, building a regional distribution center will cost an average of $214 per square foot. A light industrial warehouse will cost an average of $238 to build. Tech laboratory facilities are much more expensive to build, with an average cost per square foot of $635.
- Healthcare
Healthcare is always big business, and new facilities seem to pop up all the time. Acute care facilities are expensive to build, costing an average of $888 per square foot. Medical office buildings cost an average of $498 per square foot to build in the US. A specialty clinic costs an average of $619 per square foot to build.
- Schools and universities
If you’re looking into building a primary or secondary school building, it will cost an overall average of $327 per square foot. This brings into consideration the elementary, middle school, and high school averages of $295, $325, and $359 per square foot, respectively.
Building higher education facilities is much more expensive than constructing grade schools. Standard classroom buildings cost a square-foot average of $580. Laboratory buildings cost $756 per square foot on average to construct. Your average American university admin building costs $596 per square foot to build. Dormitories are the least expensive of the university structures, costing an average of $322 per square foot to build.
Whether you’re experienced in the process or not, every commercial renovation undertaking should be started by asking your prospective contractor a slew of questions. The purpose of asking these questions is to educate and prepare yourself, your team, and your space for the impending construction.
Your contractor ultimately shapes the success of your renovation plans – so picking the right one comes down to the way to prep and prime them for working on your space. You’re looking for a knowledgeable team that can put your fears and insecurities at ease.
In this post, we’ll focus on the top questions that most clients will ask when beginning a commercial renovation.
Are you insured and certified?
Ask about liability insurance and workers compensation to make sure that all site workers are covered.
How soon can construction start?
With large commercial construction projects, the longer they take, the more they cost.
Do you provide guarantees?
Find out what kind of guarantee a Texas construction company provides and get it in writing.
How Long Will it Take?
Hands down, this is the most common question the vast majority of contractors will hear from eager clients and understandably so. Commercial renovations are exciting prospects because they reshape and reimagine how your company and staff will spend their time at work.
As exciting as a commercial reno is, this question is often met with unreliable, or overzealous schedules. Poor planning can lead to extra costs, rushed work, and re-adjusted completion dates. Most reputable contractors will ask to sit down with their clients to pre-plan as best they can, providing estimated arrival times for specialty materials, and estimates for how much time each stage of the renovation will take; a wise contractor will budget plenty of time for each stage to ensure that good quality work is completed not so-so work that jeopardizes the integrity of the renovation.
Schedules should never be set in stone, so try to maintain an open mind about a ballpark figure your contractor means well by suggesting that good things come to those who wait.
How Much Will it Cost?
Second on this list of frequently asked questions is usually an inquiry about the cost of the project. A good estimate is the result of careful planning, a realistic mindset, and a feasible project.
The hard truth is, most commercial renovations come with a few unseen hurdles to jump over, and as a result, costs can fluctuate according to material arrivals, staffing, and unforeseen problems with a variety of systems (plumbing, electrical, structural, etc).To avoid frustration or disappointment, many contractors will recommend that clients use a predetermined fixed cost, so the project has a maximum associated with it. A good contractor will do all in their power to help stick to a budget or reduce costs where they can.
Can We Work in Space as Construction Happens?
Many offices opt to continue working within their spaces for as long as humanly possible during a commercial renovation to help reduce downtime – and understandably so. Hosting a crew of construction workers, contractors, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, designers and architects can get crowded, and messy. Reputable contractors will help you to set up a schedule that gives your business or organization enough time to pre-plan your Plan B.
This is of course dependent on the type of job you’ve hired for. If your contractor only needs access to a specific part of the building, there’s a good chance that construction won’t affect the vast majority of your space – so if your staff can deal with some additional noise and dust, keep them working away. Contractors are great at barricading off their work site and keeping dust to a minimum anywhere else in the space.
On the other hand, it’s never a bad idea to investigate alternative office space for your crew as construction takes place. While you may be able to physically occupy the space, your productivity levels may plummet because of noise and other distractions and a construction zone isn’t a great place to host prospective or existing clients for meetings. Collaborative work spaces and pop-up offices are both great alternatives for keeping your staff on-track and motivated while construction is completed, this also gives the contractor and their crew the space, and capability to do what needs to be done without worrying about disturbing the flow of the commercial space.
Do I Need Permits?
Yes. You do most things. Your contractor can help you to plan for which permits to apply for, and can help you to understand which types of updates you don’t need permits for. Let’s assume that you’re overhauling the whole space, complete with window replacements, structural changes, and drywall you’ll likely need the whole kit-and-caboodle. Consult your local municipal office to inquire about what you’ll need and remember that these permits need to be approved and displayed on a work site prior to beginning any type of construction.
Who Does the Design?
Many people think that their contractor is also a competent designer and architect and that’s not always true. A contractor is a purpose-built entity that makes designs come to life through physical construction of blueprints and designs; they’re not always the ones who draw up the designs.
Certain contractor groups will offer Handyman Services of Lincoln to eliminate the need to hire an outside design firm. This is especially advantageous for commercial renovations and offices because it puts the collaborative energy and cooperation between the contractor and the business itself; there’s no middle man to deal with as a result design and construction are handled by one succinct entity. When you hire a more traditional contractor, the design process may be subcontracted out, or you may have to find your own designer and pay them separately.
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